Directions to Petersville

How to get to Petersville

Directions to Petersville

Take the A82 to Tarbet. At the junction at Tarbet take the A83 and continue on the A83 for about 2 hours to reach Tarbert. You will approach Tarbert with the harbour on your left-hand side. Bear left at the first junction (Harbour Street) and immediately take the first on your right, School Road.

Continue up School Road, the Police Station will be on your right and the school on your left when you reach the top of the hill. Keep the school on your left and Easfield houses on your right at the crossroads take the left hand turning.

The school will still be on your left with Hillfoot housing on your right. Stay on this road and follow it round. Brucehill housing will appear on your right. Continue on the road bearing right. At the end of the road you will see double grey gates. You are now at: Petersville, Tarbert, Argyll, PA29 6TF.

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